Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sunday Kiev

Finally got to a computer AND remembered how to access the blog. Everything is automated on my computer at home so I never need to think about what username or password I'm using. Deprive me of my paradigms and sleep...add a few pounds of frustration and...well, you know.

Ok, here's where we stand. Been in Ukraine a week tomorrow.. Went to NAC Tuesday, Odessa Thursday and found out Larisa is not available. Her mother is actively working to regain her parental rights and there is no way we would get preference.

The hardest thing I've had to do is look at that beautiful face and tell Larisa we cannot bring her home.

We considered adopting another child from Orphanage #4 but our interpreter, Ira, points out it may extend our stay to the point where the new bedroom would remain empty. The judge and social worker in this district are going on vacation soon. Word has it we could have the paperwork expidited - for $1000 for the judge and another $250 (I think...maybe it's more) for the lawyer. What lawyer I don't know. All I know is we can't afford those kind of fees. Apparently the judge needs some "pocket money" for vacation. I won't go into my opinion of it. I will say things seem to be in the works to change stuff like this.

So far it's been an emotional roller coaster. At one point I really felt like packing it all up and just going home. When I remember we can make a difference in a child's life...a big gives me the strength to move forward.

Right now we're at the train station, waiting for an apartment. Nothing seems to be available. It looks like we've got one for tonight. Tomorrow? Who knows.

Signing off...

God bless,


P.S. Ira, our interpreter is a Godsend and a lifesaver. We'd be lost without her.


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